Hey, welcome to my first blog post... it's 5:42 AM, and I'm writing this right now, a little buzzed, a little sleepy, and it's definitely past my bed time.
For this blog, my name is Dog. This is gonna be my blog where I (hopefully) talk about what's on my mind, whether it be big subjects or something mundane, like a bird I saw on the fence outside. Unless you like birds like me, then that's exciting. :) My writing skills will probably be rusty and awkward, and I kinda hate looking back on what I've written. But I don't want to be embarrassed about that anymore, because I just want to have somewhere to preserve my thoughts without being scared.
I'm a person in my 20s from the PNW, although soon I plan to move in with my boyfriend of 5 years, who lives on the Southern East Coast. I have a weird life. It's partially why I started this blog. I need an outlet for my thoughts and a place to discuss the ways my life is majorly changing, for the better. I'm a child abuse victim, I have multiple mental illnesses (including PTSD), and I have some neurodevelopmental stuff going on. I have memory loss and head trauma. I've been really isolated all of my life, and it's caused me a lot of grief in ways I won't go into now. The point is that my life is changing and I'm finally leaving my original home, and I'm going to become a new person. I want to become the best version of myself.
To help with my healing and to combat memory loss, I'm going to just... write stuff here. And I don't mean healing as in I'm going to spill my guts to every stranger reading this. I don't know if I really feel comfortable with that. I just need to talk about stuff like the mugs I saw at Goodwill today. Or what I bought off of Etsy, or what I cooked for dinner. Or what I just learned and made in my recent pottery class. I like history and surfing the Internet Archive, so I might share some stuff about that. It may be painfully plain, but in the end to me personally, it's a collection of small signs that life is worth living, and a reminder to my future self of when I began to feel like I truly started living. I feel like I've spent a lot of time in my life being angry and mopey about things, so don't expect too much upset and snippy tone of voice here. It will probably mostly be me talking about stuff I found interesting. I have no schedule, there's no way I could hold myself to following one. I probably will add Disqus, I need to email them for a free plan.
I've decided I will keep this one relatively short. It's now 6:00 AM (I was fast I think!). Thanks if you read this. Goodnight.

I've added this comment box for now. I don't think I can style it so I might use Disqus instead. You must sign into an email but you can post anonymously. Change your name and profile picture by clicking your profile picture.